This week has passed on really fast. I guess this was the fastest week, but then I feel evry week was the fastest!! Monday was dry,boring and had tons of Monday Morning BLUES. Don't know how I managed to pass the day in office, but got it behind me real soon. Tuesday was an entirely different affair and I became engrossed with work. I don't know whats with wednesdays, I have alwayd loved this day for no apparnet reason. May be this is because during my school days in Wed we used to wear white dress or house dress to be more specific. I was in Yellow House so my uniform was white divided skirt, yellow half sleeved shirt ot Tshirt, white canvas and white socks. could I forget that I had to wear yellow ribbon on my hair.
May be that excitement is still there in some corner of my mind and thats why I have a special place in my heart for Wednesday's. Hey my house team i.e.Yellow House did not used to walk away with all the honors, but I am proud to be part of that house. Thrusday just went by because I was too excited about the approaching weekend. I and my roomie are pretty excited on Thursday nights and our only topic of discussion is Wowwww......just one more night to sleep on time and then we can have fun the next two night(i.e. by staying awake as long as we like, coz we don't need to wake up early)
Let me tell you our weekends are spent almost in similar manners. We always talk as if we will paint the town red on a weekend (wud take lots of guts, courage n time to paint Delhi red in this heat!!!!) Most weekends we just laze around at home, do some works and read books, thats all we do. Huh, we really do spend boring and lazy weekend with a capital B and L. Today is Friday night, and I am extra excited about this. Nothing new in that and just like all Friday's we will talk (gossip) till late at night and go to bed at our own sweet will. I am wondering what to do this weekend!!! Absoutely no plans this time as I am tired of seeing my plans go down the drain, lets see what is in store this Saturday and Sunday!!!
May be that excitement is still there in some corner of my mind and thats why I have a special place in my heart for Wednesday's. Hey my house team i.e.Yellow House did not used to walk away with all the honors, but I am proud to be part of that house. Thrusday just went by because I was too excited about the approaching weekend. I and my roomie are pretty excited on Thursday nights and our only topic of discussion is Wowwww......just one more night to sleep on time and then we can have fun the next two night(i.e. by staying awake as long as we like, coz we don't need to wake up early)
Let me tell you our weekends are spent almost in similar manners. We always talk as if we will paint the town red on a weekend (wud take lots of guts, courage n time to paint Delhi red in this heat!!!!) Most weekends we just laze around at home, do some works and read books, thats all we do. Huh, we really do spend boring and lazy weekend with a capital B and L. Today is Friday night, and I am extra excited about this. Nothing new in that and just like all Friday's we will talk (gossip) till late at night and go to bed at our own sweet will. I am wondering what to do this weekend!!! Absoutely no plans this time as I am tired of seeing my plans go down the drain, lets see what is in store this Saturday and Sunday!!!
I remember when it was wednesday, all the LFS' students looked so colourful that sometimes I wished even my school had such a dress code.In MHHSS we didnt had it. Hmm...girls were always proud of wearing their own house dress.
ya evn me too agree with u wed is always my all time fav day!!!coz our whole school looked colourful rite na!!!
i really misss those days......
wow have i been offline for a lotta time now..lots to read i have to visit everyday
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