Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I was walking in the forest all alone, dusk was fast approaching. I was apprehensive about being there all alone, nonetheless I keep on walking. Suddenly it feels that I am back in Kohima(that's my birthplace) , and the surroundings all of a sudden seem to be very similar. I see my childhood friends and some of my school friends standing in a corner. My first thoughts are "Wow, all these people together after such along time", I approach them and suddenly I am transported back in time. The games I used to play, the silly talk that we used to have and the exciting dreams that we nartured all came rushing back, it bought a smile to my lips. How innocent we all used to be!!

I reliazed that it is not the time to stand there and brood, but rather to think of more important things that lay ahead. There is a stranger observing me, I can feel this in my bones. You always get to know when someone is quietly watching you from a distance, and you cannot see him or her. It gives you a creepy feeling specially when you do not know who is watching, but are just aware of a pair of eyes constantly following you. I am not feeling too good about this whole thing and am constantly trying to locate those pair of eyes, but with no result.

All kinds of thoughts were invading my mind, it is growing dark and my destination does not seem to be anywhere near. But in the first palce I do not even know what my destination is. This is really creepy and I decide to take all the precautions that came to my mind. No one is safe these days and specially girls. I take out my cell phone and try to locate the number of a friend. I just want some one to come and take me back home. Suddenly home seems to be more appealing and I badly want to escape those prying eyes.

For the first time in my life I feel completely insecure in a crowd. I look around and begin to walk, I look back for a moment and see a strange figure hurrying towards me. I increase my pace, keep turning back to see how far the figure is, he is gaining ground and this makes me sweat. Someone calls my name loudly, someone has caught hold of me and is shaking me, I scream and open my eyes only to see my sister shaking me to wakeup. I look around and see I am in my bed in the safe sanctuaty of my home and yes I feel like killing my sister for waking me up from an incompelete Dream.....


Enyuh Phom said...

Hmm..even I was hoping for the person to show up. May be you can continue your dream next time. Anyway, when you had mention Kohima, your birthplace,it made me nostalgic and remember my childhood buddies whom I have not met for decades.Waitin for the remaining part of the dream. Good Luck.

Unknown said...

so u wanted to kill me ....
huh u shud b thankful dat i woke u up fr such a horrible dream or else by now u wud hve been caught by dat dark figure......

Pensativo said...

Interesting dream..and your description made it quite vivid..
Seriously I liked the way you described the whole thing..Commendable post :)