Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Value your prized possessions

Have you ever wondered how important family is for an individual? Chances are most of us have not given even a second thought to this. Our families are responsible for everything that we are. The way we behave, dress, conduct ourselves, react to situations, see things and speak all depends on our family and its values. When we become used to something like say our family we start taking things for granted. Somehow this becomes a habit for us and do not realize its real worth till we have to manage things on our own. The very thought is scary.

When we start staying away from our families only then do we realize the importance of being sheltered by it constantly. Suddenly we feel that we are all alone and have to cope up with everything all alone. There is no one to take responsibility if we go wrong sometimes. Our mothers will not be there to cover up any goof ups and explain to our Boss that she can do it just give her another chance. We are left on our own and have to face the consequences of all our actions. You feel so helpless and wish you could come back home to your parents and siblings and have a blast!!

If you are staying with your family, learn to value them and try to understand their contribution in your life. Suddenly one fine day you will realize that you did not value things when you had them, and now when you don’t have that, you realize what precious thing you are missing. Do not take your family for granted, after all at the end of the day they are the one who are going to stand by you in any hour of crisis. Trust them, value their opinions, respect their decisions and show them that they are the most precious people in the world in whatever way you can. They deserve this, in fact much much more then this, they are after all the most presious possession one can have!!


Sanjay Mazumder said...

The world is changing and the change seems to be very negative to my eyes. People are forgetting their ethics, values and morals. It is found that most of the people forget their parents either when they start earning money or after their marriage. The parents are thrown like anything and are left behind in the lurch which is really shameful for the society and humanity. :-(

The big question is that where exactly are we heading to? Everything is going artificial and astoundingly, even the "Relations"......

Unknown said...

Yeah…..most of us though being aware of the fact that how important our families are for us……….sometimes just forget to acknowledge their gratitude, effort, love and care for us………….may be coz we take them too much for granted or…………..may be coz… …………….our so called ‘busy’ and ‘modern’ life demands us to be like that. Sometimes I really do wonder…………where are we heading? We the ‘kids of X, Y, or may be Z generation’ are so confused…………we as a generation r confused about everything and anything…………be it relationship, be it values, be it morality, be it our conscience…………………………………we twist and turn everything in accordance to our convenience………most of the times simply ignoring what our ‘DOS age’ grandparents and parents have taught us.

Oflate, I try to remember when was the last time I hugged my mom, my dad, my bro or my sis and said ‘I love you guys’ for simply being there. To my surprise, I can’t remember……………I tried to analyze ‘WHY’? Till now, couldn’t come up with an appropriate answer……………….

Think m getting consistent with my thoughts and heading towards nowhere as usualJ……… time to wrap up……nyways, thanks for initiating such a ‘close to heart’ topic…………….